[email protected]

I consider myself lucky to have been born and lived in the United States of America my entire life. I was born at the end of the “Generation X” era, and am now in my 40’s. In my lifetime, I’ve lived through presidents starting as far back as Jimmy Carter, and also similarly to many my family unit growing up influenced my political mindset in a particular way. Similarly, as I grew older, my new perspective and likewise my family unit now, has influenced my political mindset in an entirely different direction.

In 2016, like many people from all sides of the political spectrum and even all corners of the world, I was completely shocked when Donald Trump won the presidency. I had been sure that Hillary Clinton would win, as was the commonly held wisdom during that cycle, even despite some of the HRC Campain’s challenges.

This point in time caused me to question so many things at a foundational level I’d never really explored before. My tectonic shift from listening to Rush Limbaugh in the 90’s railing against Clinton, to an ardent Obama lover, barely registered against the absolute shock and awe and surprise I felt when this happened. It shook me to my foundation, and caused me to question so many things. This point was an existential crisis for me. What even had meaning at this point?

It would get worse before it got better for me, and for millions of Americans as well of citizens of other countries too. While I’ve always been politically interested, I’d never really been a history buff. My departure from fundamentalist teachings in my youth and my love of philosophy and sociology started to spill over into an interest in history. How did we get here? Have we ever been here before? Was this what the Founders had meant to allow? Can a democracy function when it seemed to produce this much… disfunction?

Was this a valid outcome of a liberal democracy? What happens when a people vote, not to their own benefit, but to their own demise? Is this as bad as it seems, and is there any turning back from this point? Where is the point of no return?

I now know much more than I did then. But, I also know enough to know that I don’t know nearly enough, and I’m starting what I hope to be a lifelong disciplined practice of examining the concepts of liberal democracy, the democratic-republic which is the USA, our Constitution (and how it’s arguably better and worse than some others), how to participate, where to tune out when the narrative is poisoned, and many other questions.

For some of these questions, I think I know the answer. I say “think” because I’ve “known” other things, particularly politically and sociologically in my life, and been flat wrong. Mark Twain said it best: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” I hope what I know is right, and I’m willing to examine that. I record this site as a record of my thoughts, my experience, and my journey.

I invite you to come with me if you can.

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